HDIM  1.0.0
Packages for High Dimensional Linear Regression
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAbstractSolverAbstract base class for all iterative solvers
 CScreeningSolverAbstract base class for Solvers that use GAP SAFE screening rules
 CSolverAbstract base class for solvers that do not make use of GAP SAFE screening rules
 CSubGradientSolverAbstract base class for Sub-Gradient Descent algorithms ,such as ISTA and FISTA, with backtracking line search
 CBinarizeFunctor to convert vector of values into support vector
 CFISTARun the Fast Iterative Shrinking and Thresholding Algorthim
 CFOSThe main FOS algorithim
 CISTARun the Iterative Shrinking and Thresholding Algorthim
 CSoftThresSoft Threshold functor used to apply hdim::soft_threshold to each element in a matrix or vector
 CX_FOSThe FOS algorithim