Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Current β λ ∈ ℝ Grid element 1:ϵ ← Xβ − Y 2:fβ←||ϵ||22 + λ||β||1 Primal Objective function 3:α ← 4:α0← YTϵ 5:← min{max{α,α0},−α} Dual Point 6:←ϵ + Y 7:dν←λ2||||22−||Y ||22 Dual Objective function
return fβ + dν
Algorithm 2: DGT ( Duality Gap Target )
Input: γ ∈ ℝ … C ∈ ℝ … rStatsIt∈ ℕ Index of the current grid element ( outer loop iteration number ) n ∈ ℕ Number of rows in the design matrix X ∈ ℝn×p 1:dgt ← γC2
return dgt
Algorithm 3: fβ
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Current β 1:f ← Xβ − Y .
return ||f||22
Algorithm 4: f
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn The k’th β vector β′∈ ℝn The k − 1’th β vector L ∈ ℝ The current Lipschitz constant, as computed by backtracking line search 1:f ← Xβ − Y . 2:t0←||f||22 3:∇f ← 2XTf 4:Δβ← β − β′ 5:t1←∇fTΔβ 6:t2←||Δβ||22
Input: X ∈ ℝn×m An arbitrary matrix λ ∈ ℝ The thresholding parameter 1:← X Make a copy of X. 2:fori,j∈do 3:i,j← sign(i,j)+ 4:endfor
Algorithm 6: ISTA with backtracking line search and duality gap convergence criteria
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Starting vector L0∈ ℝ Initial Lipschitz constant, used by backtracking line search λ ∈ ℝ Grid element η ∈ ℝ Step size when updating Lipschitz constant ∈ ℝ Duality gap target 1:← β Make a copy of β that will be updated during back tracking. 2:do 3:← τ(β −∇f(X,Y,,L)) 4:whilefβ(X,Y, ) > f(X,Y,,β,L) do 5:L ← ηL 6:← τ(β −∇f(X,Y,β)) 7:endwhile 8:β ← τ(β −∇f(X,Y,β,L)) Update β once L is sufficiently large. 9:while DG (X,Y,β,λ) > 10:
return β
Algorithm 7: Coordinate Descent with duality gap convergence criteria
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Starting vector λ ∈ ℝ Grid element ∈ ℝ Duality gap target 1:← β Make a copy of β 2:do 3:fori ∈ 1,2,…,p do 4:t ← Scale grid element by norm of the i’th column of design matrix 5:X−i← X∀j≠i Take all columns of design matrix not equal to i 6:−i←∀j≠i Take all elements of predictors vectors not equal to i 7:r ← Compute the scaled residual 8:i← τ Update the i’th element of Beta 9:endfor 10:while DG (X,Y,,λ) > 11:
Algorithm 8: Coordinate Descent with Lazy Evaluation
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Starting vector λ ∈ ℝ Grid element ∈ ℝ Duality gap target 1:← β Make a copy of β 2:R ← Y − X Initialize Intermediary Residual 3:do 4:fori ∈ 1,2,…,p do 5:t ← Scale grid element by norm of the i’th column of design matrix 6:ifi≠0 then R ← R + Xii 7:endif 8:i← τ Update the i’th element of Beta 9:ifi≠0 then R ← R − Xii 10:endif 11:endfor 12:while DG (X,Y,,λ) > 13:
Algorithm 9: Coordinate Descent with standardized data
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The standardized Xi = 0,σXi = 1 design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Starting vector λ ∈ ℝ Grid element ∈ ℝ Duality gap target 1:← β Make a copy of β 2:do 3:fori ∈ 1,2,…,p do 4:t ← Scale grid element by norm of the i’th column of design matrix 5:X−i← X∀j≠i Take all columns of design matrix not equal to i 6:−i←∀j≠i Take all elements of predictors vectors not equal to i 7:r ← Compute the scaled residual 8:i← τ Update the i’th element of Beta 9:endfor 10:while DG (X,Y,,λ) > 11:
The next algorthim is a modified version of Coordinate Descent that seeks to reduce redunant
computations as much as possible. This algorthim relies on the fact that many computation required by
Coordinate Descent can be broken up into constant and non-constant parts. The constant parts of the
computation can be performed ahead of time and stored for later use.
Of particular note is the scaled residual computation, which when written down naively
r ←.
Which we can re-write as,
r ←−−i.
Note that since the design matrix X and the vector of predictors Y are fixed, the terms and
do not change as the values of are updated. Our strategy will be to compute these values for
each column of X and store them in an array of size p, from which they will be access as is
Note for this algorthim we establish the convention that array of a given data type will be declared as
( type )[ # elements in array ]
As an example an array of real numbers numbers of size n ∈ ℕ would be written as:
( ℝ )[ n ]
Algorithm 10: Coordinate Descent with Minimal Data Copying
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Starting vector λ ∈ ℝ Grid element ∈ ℝ Duality gap target 1:ℷ ← (ℝ)[p] Initialize array of size p to hold threshold parameters 2:p1∈ (ℝ)[p] Blank array for part of residual computation 3:p2∈ (ℝ1×p)[p] Blank array to row vectors of size p which will be used for part of residual computation 4:fori ∈ 1,2,…,p do 5:ℶ ← 6:ℷ[i] ←ℶ 7:p1[i] ← ℶXiTY 8:p2[i] ← ℶXiTX 9:endfor 10:← β Make a copy of β 11:do 12:fori ∈ 1,2,…,p do 13:←jif j≠i else 0 Copy all of beta expect i’th element which is assigned to 0 14:r ← p1[i] − p2[i] Compute the scaled residual 15:t ← λℷ[i] Compute threshold parameter 16:i← τ Update the i’th element of Beta 17:endfor 18:while DG (X,Y,,λ) > 19:
Algorithm 11: FISTA with backtracking line search and duality gap convergence criteria
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Starting vector L0∈ ℝ Initial Lipschitz constant, used by backtracking line search λ ∈ ℝ Grid element η ∈ ℝ Step size when updating Lipschitz constant ∈ ℝ Duality gap target yk−1∈ ℝb Beta vector from previous iteration of FISTA xk−1∈ ℝb Intermediary vector from previous iteration of FISTA 1:yk← β 2:do 3:yk−1← xk 4:tk← 0 5:← τ(β −∇f(X,Y,yk)) 6:whilefβ(X,Y,) > f(X,Y,,yk,L) do 7:L ← ηL 8:← τ(β −∇f(X,Y,β)) 9:endwhile 10:xk−1← xk 11:xk← τ(β −∇f(X,Y,)) 12:tk+1 = 13:yk← xk + 14:while DG (X,Y,β,λ) > 15:
return yk,yk−1,xk−1,tk+1
Algorithm 12: λGRID
Input: X ∈ ℝn×m The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors M ∈ ℕ The number of grid elements required 1:rmax← 2||XTY ||∞ 2:rmin←rmax 3:Δr← 4:Let Λ ∈ ℝM Initialize empty array of size M 5:fori ∈ [1,2,…,M] do 6:δl← Δr + rmin Compute linear step 7: Λ[i] ← 10δl Convert to logarithmic step 8:endfor
return Λ
Algorithm 13: SCC: Stats Continutation Condition
Input: C ∈ ℝ The design matrix statsIt ∈ ℕ The vector of predictors λ ∈ ℝ Current grid element Λ ∈ ℝM Vector of grid elements X ∈ ℝn×p Vector of grid elements βs∈ ℝn×M Betas matrix 1:condition ← false 2:fori ∈ [1,2,…,statsIt] do 3:rk← Λk 4: Δβ← βstatsIt− βi 5: check ← 6: condition ← condition & ( check ≤ C ) 7:endfor
return condition
Algorithm 14: FOS
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝn Starting vector L0∈ ℝ Initial Lipschitz constant, used by backtracking line search M ∈ M Number of grid elements η ∈ ℝ Step size when updating Lipschitz constant C ∈ ℝ γ ∈ ℝ 1:←. Normalize X to mean 0 and standard deviation 1. 2:←. Normalize Y. 3:Λ ← λGRID(X,Y,M) Initialize grid elements 4:βs∈ ℝn×m = 0n,m. Initialize matrix of Betas to zero matrix 5:while statsCont & ( statsCont < M ) do 6:statsIt← statsIt + 1 7:← βk−1 Initialize old beta vector with the k - 1’th Column of the Betas matrix. 8:rstatsIt← Λk Extract the k’th grid element. 9:ifDG(X,Y,βk,rstatsIt) ≤ DGT(γ,C,rstatsIt,n) then 10:βk← βk−1 11:else 12:βk← ISTA(X,Y,βk−1,L0,rstatsIt,η,gap) 13:endif 14:statsCont ← SCC (C,statsIt,rstatsIt,Λ,X,βs) 15:endwhile
return βstatsIt−1,ΛstatsIt,statsIt
Algorithm 15: DP ( Dual Point )
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝp Current β λ ∈ ℝ Grid element 1:R ← Y − Xβ 2:α ← 3:s ← min{max{,−α},α}
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝp Current primal point ν ∈ ℝn Current dual point λ ∈ ℝ Grid element 1:fβ←||Y − Xβ||22 + λ||β||1 Primal Objective function 2:dν←||Y ||22−||ν −||22 Dual Objective function
return fβ− dν
Algorithm 17: SAS ( Safe Active Set )
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix c ∈ ℝn Center of the ball r ≥ 0 Radius of the ball 1:←∅ Initialize Active Set With Empty Set 2:forj ∈{1,…,p}do 3:if|XjTc| + r∥Xj∥2≥ 1 then 4:←∪{j} 5:endif 6:endfor
Algorithm 18: CDSR (Coordinate Descent With Lazy Evaluation and Screening Rule)
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors β ∈ ℝp Starting vector λ ∈ ℝ Grid element ∈ ℝ Duality gap target 1:← β Make a copy of β 2:R ← Y − X Initialize Intermediary Residual 3:←{1,…,p} Initialize Active Set 4:optimCont ← true 5:while optimCont do 6:ν ← DP(X,Y,,λ) Dual point 7:← DG2(X,Y,,ν,λ) Duality gap 8:← SAS(X,ν,) Safe Active Set 9:if≤then 10:optimCont ← false 11:else 12:fori ∈do 13:t ← Scale grid element by norm of the i’th column of design matrix 14:ifi≠0 then R ← R + Xii 15:endif 16:i← τ Update the i’th element of Beta 17:ifi≠0 then R ← R − Xii 18:endif 19:endfor 20:endif 21:c = 0 Set to 0 coefficients not in 22:endwhile
Input: X ∈ ℝn×p The design matrix Y ∈ ℝn The vector of predictors M ∈ ℕ Number of grid elements C > 0 γ > 0 1:← Normalize X to mean 0 and standard deviation 1. 2:← Normalize Y. 3:Λ ← λGRID(,,M) Initialize grid elements 4:βs∈ ℝp×M← 0p,M Initialize matrix of Betas to zero matrix 5:statsCont ← true 6:statsIt ← 1 7:while statsCont & ( statsIt < M ) do 8:statsIt ← statsIt + 1 9:← DGT(γ,C,ΛstatsIt,n) Duality gap target 10:βstatsIt← CDSR(,,βstatsIt−1,ΛstatsIt∕2,∕2) 11:statsCont ← SCC (C,statsIt,ΛstatsIt,Λ,X,βs) 12:endwhile